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  • Emission Monitoring
    Emission Monitoring



Established in April 1982, initially under the name of E.C.I. Equipamentos Científicos e Industriais Ltda, NOVUS arises from the perseverance of its founders, at that time, researchers at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.

Imbued with entrepreneurial spirit and the knowledge obtained when he was in the research path, Aderbal Fernandes Lima and his companions, dedicated themselves in the 80s to the development, manufacturing and marketing of electronic instrumentation for measurement and control, especially temperature, with the aim of selling it in laboratory and industrial applications.

In the 90s, with the opening of the Brazilian market to the imports, the company focused itself and joined forces to face international competition. As part of this strategy, the company prepared itself to compete in foreign markets, changing its name to NOVUS in 1994, actively participating in international fairs and investing in the quality of its products.



Above - NOVUS’s presence in international fairs is one of the pillars of its success


The positive results of this strategy began to emerge in the 2000s, together with the new internationalization challenges. With the stringent international certifications (CE for Europe and UL for U.S.A and Canada) it was also necessary to invest in productive infrastructure and in quality control. The commercial dynamics was also increased with the opening of branches in Brazil (São Paulo, Curitiba and Campinas) and international branches in Argentina, the United States and Colombia.



Above - Detail of the Metrology Lab.


In 2010, NOVUS exported 40% of its production to more than 50 countries, through a strong network of distributors to which BHB belongs. This decade was also marked by the investment made in a Metrology Lab certified by Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia, the manufacturing facilities expansion and the development of new innovative products.



Above - Detail of NOVUS Automation line



  mais   Controllers and Indicators;    
  mais   Electronic Thermostats;    
  mais   Data Loggers;    
  mais   Signal Conditioners & Isolators;    
  mais   Wireless Solutions (ModBUS, GPRS);    
  mais   Timers & Counters;    
  mais   Data Acquisition and SCADA.    





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